Still not a very wise strategy. I think she actually spoke from her heart what she honestly feels. There’s really no benefit in them making Zimmerman more sympathetic at this point. By stating he had no intention to hurt her son , that it was just an accident as they tasseled on the ground, takes all the race hustlers wind out of their sails.
Trayvon’s mom had no problem jacking up the race hate sails but now that she has gotten her way and Zimmerman is arrested, she is suddenly not a race hater anymore.
There is a lot of innocent blood on the klan with a tan’s hands from the White hut on down. Trayvons, people who could be Obama’s sons, all across the country heard the call of the African wild to get whitey, and have acted upon it.
This whole hooded klan event has back fired on the race hustlers. The git-Zimmerman racist display, threats and blood sacrifices of lynched whites was a means to an end of banning self defense laws in the US. But all Obammy’s chickens came home to roost for this race hate event and everyone heard Holder’s silence in the face of the Nation of Islam’s bounty on Zimmerman’s “white” head.
What a show of Obama’s true face. Many Black celebraties have shown the true colors of their characters, too. Never forget.
“I think she actually spoke from her heart what she honestly feels.”
I saw her (with her attorney) discuss this on O’Reilly last night. She looked credible to me — not scripted or practiced. Guess she knows Sonny Boy’s true character will be revealed during a trial and calling it an “accident” now will start to diffuse some of the crap that’s sure to result, no matter what the verdict will be. She, and the black community, would rather Zimmerman be charged with a lesser offense than Murder 2 than be deemed “not guilty”.