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To: SoConPubbie
FWIW, I can't stand Romney (I liked Perry). Alas, when you have a bunch of "conservatives" in the primary (many w/out a hope like Bachmann, Santorum, Cain, Newt) you dilute the vote allowing Romney to be the last man standing. But then, he's just like 0bama. Romney will rehire Van Jones, Eric Holder, Cass Sunstein and their ilk, will encourage class and race wars, will back stab Israel and other allies, will have rappers and other garbage in the WH, will take months of vacays and golf days each year, hates America and Christians (especially white ones), has a disgusting grifter for a wife who will vacay and partay on your dime (including Lobster and Kobe Beef as a daily course--also on your dime), is Chicago corrupt, lies like a dog on a rug, is a narcissist etc. ad nauseum.

I'm done with the GOP and that silly voting thing. My children will understand.

629 posted on 04/10/2012 3:48:32 PM PDT by eureka! (Bless Our Troops. D*mn the Left.)
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To: eureka!
I'm done with the GOP and that silly voting thing. My children will understand.

Romney will do nothing to stop the Gay Agenda, in fact, he will promote it.

Romney will not give you any justices that are conservative.

Romney will not cut the size of the government.

Romney will not back Iran down

Romney will not be a strong proponent for drilling

Romney will not be a Pro-Life President

Romney believes in Global Warming

Romney implemented RomneyCare and refuses to back off of the Individual Mandate

Romney implemented a regional Cap-And-Trade Carbon system so he will do nothing to reign in the EPA.

In short, Romney is a whiter shade of Obama, both in skin-color and his policies.

Romney is the 2nd Cousin lying, left-wing, Progressive Liberal to Obama, the Crypto Communist.

Add to that every other word out of his mouth is a Lie and you cannot trust a words he says, and that makes him totally unqualified to be President.
657 posted on 04/10/2012 4:04:34 PM PDT by SoConPubbie
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