I didn’t know who John Derbyshire was until NRO did this. Now I’m glad to know who John Derbyshire is. I look forward to more ‘truth-telling’ from John Derbyshire.
I would like Lowry to identify just exactly what did John Derbyshire write that was false or not good advice to give your children.
Derbyshire is a sociologist and a prison doctor from what I have read, he would know these things better than anyone, he sees it on a daily basis.
“I didnt know who John Derbyshire was until NRO did this. Now Im glad to know who John Derbyshire is. I look forward to more truth-telling from John Derbyshire.”
In that case, pick up his book:
“We Are Doomed - Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism”.
A great read, highly recommended to you and to anyone else reading this.
He has a website. There you can link to his infamous role in a Bruce Lee movie!