I see his flaws as well as his strengths. I wonder if you do.
I do admire his intelligence and futuristic thinking. Does he have proven creds that prove his ability to get things done? Yes, he does. Could he out-debate The Won and make him look like the fool he is? Yes, he could. Could he be once again successful in turning things around. I think he has a good, or better, chance than most. But, I don't think he'll have the chance. Listening to him this morning, I'll be interested to see how much longer he stays in.
Given your run down of the current slate of candidates, you don't seem to happy with anyone. I can respect that.
But given the fact that we will more than likely have another Dole/McCain anvil hung around our necks in the person of Romney...why have do you care that some want better and aren't willing to throw in the towel yet? (If you give me that “He's splitting the vote and hurting Santorum jazz” my head will explode.)
Why not spend time on Myth...or better yet Obama?
why have do= why do.
If Newt had gotten out before Michigan or Ohio, it might have made a difference in keeping the biggest RINO in GOP history off of the ticket. Now it hardly matters.