I understand the concern about the the ammo. But there are things that in my opinion are much more insidious. Obama and his minions are afraid of us. They know we will make short work of them in open violent confrontation. That is why they are never going to do us the favor of creating some galvanizing event. Instead they are going to continue to use our respect for the rule of law against us. When doctors deny conservatives medical care, are we going to shoot the doctors? When banks refuse to lend conservatives money are going to shoot the bankers? There is always going to be this modicum of plausible deniability that prevents conservatives from doing anything at least violently. Conservatives need to be just as enthusiastic about activism as they are about guns. If we dont’ push back politically we will all be sitting on a pile of guns with no freedom.
This can't be emphasized enough. It must be remembered that if you ask someone to leave your property and they fail to comply, you are thereby under assault and need to treat the offender as such.
That tactic is SOP for these people.
Remember Janet Reno "taking responsibility" for the Branch Davidian Massacre?
I don't recall any offer to resign along with that admission.
That’s very true, and a point about Obamacare that is almost totally missed.
Who is going to openly defy the regime, when it is the regime’s minions who will have the final say on if your sick daughter or mother gets an expensive operation?
“Sorry, but the review panel has decided this operation is not for you. Next case. Move along. They will give you your pain pills on the way out.”