Mark Levin was covering this tonight. 91% of Romney ad dollars went to smearing GOP candidates and not promoting himself or bashing Obummer. What a swell guy. What burns me is that the GOPe is going to blame Conservatives that it is our unwillingness to roll over and allow Milt to be the nominee now that is damaging to the party. BS. Romney is the one who has singlehandedly destroyed party unity and any good will towards him. He can screw.
Do not fool yourself into thinking that Santorum and Newt wouldn’t have run vicious attack ads against Romney, if they had had the money. They would have done so in a heartbeat.
And it seems to me that the anti-Romney people on web-sites, blogs and Twitter are just as vicious; they just don’t have the money for a wider range of ads.
Politics is not tiddlywinks. This is the reality of extended primaries, and it is a repeat of what happened in 2000.
And what does Mark say after he gets done telling everyone how bad Romney is?
"We have to vote against Obama and for the Republican nominee."