English isn’t even close to being our first language anymore.
When I was a proofreader, I would get into heated arguments with the “graphic designers” who would insist on using incorrect English (as in the title of this article)...they were all younger and just incredibly ignorant; they also had no ambition to learn the correct way to write; they said it was too much trouble and “who gives a s***? what do I need that for? I got you!”
They also cannot read cursive writing-I had to print and even then, they weren’t sure what I meant!
I believe the future of America is in the hands of the home schooled or the PS student with involved, exceptional parents.
It’s so sad to see how far language has fallen in our country in my lifetime....
The Mrs
This is because they no longer can report the story as an innocent black child who was walking home from choir practice when an evil racist white man shot him for no reason.
Now that there is evidence that the budding young thug ATTACKED zimmerman, the story is now going to be that he didnt have to shoot him because he wasn’t injured badly enough
I hope Zimmerman sues them out of existance after this (especially NBC and MSNBC)