A professional could rehabilitate my dog. My vet underestimated how much sedation my dog needed. He may well have thought I was shopping for drugs for myself. I have not had the money to have a professional work with my dog as I pointed out earlier as my husband unexpectedly lost his job multiple times in the last 3 years and he is extremely blessed to have gotten the one he has. Since you feel so strongly, and I haven’t found someone who is willing to euthanize my dog, then please feel free to borrow my gun and do it yourself. I’m frankly not willing to do that and it may very well be against the law. Perhaps since I live in Las Vegas and summer is coming up I should just leave him in the car and say, “oops.” That’s probably better than burglarizing the vet for the right drugs. Geeze!
I was trying, earlier, to put your mind at ease in making a difficult decision under difficult circumstances. I wanted you to know you weren’t wrong for considering it. I was trying to help you.
Now I am beginning to think your refusal to accept that he is beyond “he’s a good boy otherwise...” is simply irresponsible. You seem to have built a happy life around a dog who would kill your daughter if you weren’t hyper vigilant. Good for you, but your dog just isn’t worth the risk to the innocents who will be hurt if you or anyone else makes a mistake. Now, I wish I could help them.
Don’t tell me a vet won’t do it. I quite simply do not believe you.
Well, I’ve gotten nothing but a simple rhetorical question from the Euro-GS forum nuts.
My neighbor sent out a message but nothing from that yet.
Good luck.