Only commenting on information supplied by you. Many families are separated all the time so it seems crazy that you can’t manage to take a few extra days to make sure your pet gets situated. Hasn’t he earned a few extra days when his life, if he gets to keep it, depends upon your decision? Seems like Obamacare. And sorry if you feel you’ve been attacked, but maybe you needed reminding that this living breathing dog loves and depends on you for his life and well-being. You threw the euthanasia card right out there from the getgo - It sounds as if you’re saying take-my-dog-or-he dies situation. It’s distressing to Freepers who read your post, especially for those who love their pets and animals in general. Hopefully FR Post 109 will be helpful in saving your dog’s life.
“Many families are separated all the time so it seems crazy that you cant manage to take a few extra days to make sure your pet gets situated. Hasnt he earned a few extra days when his life, if he gets to keep it, depends upon your decision? Seems like Obamacare. And sorry if you feel youve been attacked, but maybe you needed reminding that this living breathing dog loves and depends on you for his life and well-being. You threw the euthanasia card right out there from the getgo - It sounds as if youre saying take-my-dog-or-he dies situation. Its distressing to Freepers who read your post, especially for those who love their pets and animals in general.”
My apologies for distressing you.
“it seems crazy that you cant manage to take a few extra days to make sure your pet gets situated.”
Well, after throwing a bag of clothes together and one box of our most vital items (birth certificates, passports, marriage licence), the rest of the time I have been devoted to trying to find a home for my dog. I’m not packing up my house, wrapping my china and glassware, putting my appliances or cookware in boxes. I’m trying to find a home for my dog and the rest can be damned. I can pay someone to deal with packing up the house after I’m gone.
“And sorry if you feel youve been attacked, but maybe you needed reminding that this living breathing dog loves and depends on you for his life and well-being.”
I was a NICU RN for 14 years keeps babies alive every day. Do you think for one second that escapes me?
“You threw the euthanasia card right out there from the getgo - It sounds as if youre saying take-my-dog-or-he dies situation.”
Well excuse me I wasn’t aware there were no kill shelters where I am. I honestly thought if my dog had to go to a shelter that, yes, they would kill him. I also don’t want a shelter to be the last option.
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