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To: IM2MAD; hoosiermama; advertising guy; azishot; butterdezillion; null and void; LucyT; ...
Will put down this link which more or less tells everything that Mike Zullo, Sheriff Joe's lead Investigator, related to us this afternoon. Too much detail for me to put down about what they did and how they went about determining that Barack Obama's BC is an absolute forgery. Also tells here about Obama's Selective Service card which they believe is forged.

Most is about the same as many FReepers have already determined as to the specifics of the forgeries.

The one inkling that I got was that Mike Zullo stated that they have a pretty good idea who produced the forged BC and that they intend to start with finding the person who actually put the forged paper BC online and work backward from there and hopefully the trail will lead them back to the real instigators who started the whole BC scam.

azishot...your question was answered. Mike said that this is still a very much ongoing investigation and not until it is concluded will Sheriff Joe decide what and who to give the findings to.

Also, all Reps were notified and invited to attend but only my Rep., Judy Burges, attended. No one from the media was there to my knowledge...not one reporter. Mike told us and so did Sheriff Joe, that they are up against a brick wall trying to get this information out to the American one will touch it!

Now some interesting news about our meeting. There were well over 1000 great citizens attending. The Church was filled to fire code and many had to be turned away as there was just no where to put them. I believe everyone that qualified signed the petition.

About the petition..It will be presented Monday to a State Senator and to a State Representative, and hopefully these two will get the Resolution to the floor for a vote in both Houses. This Resolution will BYPASS the Gov. The Resolution will request the AZ State Legislature, in conjunction with our Sec. of State, Ken Bennett's office, take action requesting the Democratic National Committee (Debbie Wasserman Schultz), provide documentation satisfactory to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the Cold Case Posse, the AZ Legislature and the AZ Sec. of State's office to attempt to validate Barack H. Obama's placement on the Arizona 2012 ballot. I believe the Resolution will also state that a private citizen will have "Standing" to challenge any candidate that he or she believes does not meet the qualifications of a particular office they may be running for.

As of this moment, AZ has no law in regards to vetting a candidate...none, and I believe he said that pertains to the whole Country! The Constitution is the only "vetting" we have and we all know how that worked out.

Representative Carl Seel introduced House Bill 2480 and said that 17 members of the Senate support the Bill and it's been through Committee, but he's getting mixed messages from a couple, incl. the Leader of the Senate. Said it is dead unless the Sen. sees fit to bring it up on Monday. Hopefully, with over a 1000 signatures from AZ citizens, our State Sen. will see fit to bring this to a vote!

Sheriff Joe has asked for a Congressional Investigation. Guess we'll see what happens there?

So, that's it and I suggest you all go to the link above and it will give you the same as what was talked about today, except Mike went into great detail on the specifics of how they did things to prove the "papers" (for that is all that they are, papers and not documents), forgeries.

Advertising guy, if you attended, perhaps you can remember something more of interest to all here...and sorry we didn't meet, but who would have thought we'd have such a huge crowd! :o)

78 posted on 03/31/2012 5:36:57 PM PDT by Kate_Malloy
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To: Kate_Malloy

One other thing I forgot to mention.. they had a meeting with Trump, and said how gung-ho he was on this issue, then how Trump just all of a sudden dropped it like a hot potato. They thought Trump’s action (or inaction) from that point on was just as curious as we here thought it was.

79 posted on 03/31/2012 5:48:54 PM PDT by Kate_Malloy
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To: Kate_Malloy

Thank you SO MUCH for the detailed report. I had a feeling that no reporters were going to be there. Makes me sick to think our elected officials feel it’s a lost cause to follow the constitution. How many times have we heard that B0 was elected and we can’t overturn an election followed by the tired drivel of *beating him at the ballot box*?

Someone is responsible for this fiasco of having a kenyan (maybe, who knows WHAT he is) and MUST be held accountable.

81 posted on 03/31/2012 7:07:06 PM PDT by azishot
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To: Kate_Malloy

Thank you very very much!

85 posted on 03/31/2012 7:49:35 PM PDT by GregNH (>>>>>I am SO ready to join a brigade of pickup trucks to surround DC<<<<<)
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