Good for Newt!!!!!
June, July and August should be loads of fun.
This has got to be really pi$$ing Romney off... and I love it.
As for Saintorum, well, he has yet again documented his “true conservative” metal , as well as his commanding knowledge of the constitution and the rule of law. LMAO
Go Newt Go....
** President Newt Gingrich-”Our beloved republic deserves nothing less.”
June, July and August should be loads of fun.
This has got to be really pi$$ing Romney off... and I love it.
As for Saintorum, well, he has yet again documented his true conservative metal , as well as his commanding knowledge of the constitution and the rule of law. LMAO
Go Newt Go....
** President Newt Gingrich-Our beloved republic deserves nothing less.
RE "This has got to be really pi$$ing Romney off..."
think beyond Romney, the Gop-e must be having hourly hissy fits... this was supposed to be all over and done by now. Their boy was supposed to be in, and all that was left was the coronation in Tampa. And then the rabble got roused, and their candidate isn't buying the election as easily as they thought he would... all in all, they are having many many really crummy days in a row...