But Obama will be re-elected. The Dems are all for him, and the Republicans... well, “If my guy isn’t nominated, I’m not voting. Obama is no worse than XXXXX”.
Yeah, that’s a good idea.
I’m not working that way; I’m voting against Obama if it is the last thing I do.
It remains to be seen if I’ll vote for Romney or a third party. That will depend on how far left Romney swings. Given the “etch-n-sketch” comment, that could be pretty far. Romney has apparently gone as far right as he’s gonna go, and it wasn’t very far.
If Romney goes too far left, I’ll vote Constitution (are they running anybody?), Losertarian, Green, or something. I’m not going to vote against Obama for Obama Lite.
We can’t just let the GOP to get away with taking us for granted. If they want our votes, they better be ready to throw us some big, meaty bones.
In the end it will probably be Conservatives that vote for Romney and do what has to be done but he himself and his campaign won’t generate enthusiasm, the democrats will show him to be without core beliefs and principles and to be for what they are for. Romney will lose and the Conservatives will be blamed because they didn’t rally behind the Rino pick from day one and generate the enthusiasm.