“People, please do your own research on what the courts and the regulations have established with respect to “U.S. Citizenship”, and don’t take what is undoubtably and clearly SPECULATIVE OPINION that is being bandied about regarding the TERM... “natural born citizen”.”
Maybe, just maybe, YOU should do some more research. Maybe, just maybe, what YOU are bandying about is the SPECULATIVE OPINION. As to some of us, we would like to see a Supreme Court ruling as to what “natural born citizen” means with respect to the office of the US Presidency. We think we know what it meant to the Founders.
And no, I don’t think you’ll cow us into “just move along, nothing here” mode. You can stay there with your head planted in the sand if you want.
You are confusing your ‘emotional’ issue of speculating and wanting for a ‘third’ citizenship status with the facts.
The debate should be whether there ‘SHOULD BE’ a #3 citizenship status, because currently there are only TWO that have legal standing. Just because you and others want a ‘third’, does not make it so.
#1 - “U.S. Citizen by Birth”
#2 - “U.S. Citizen by Naturalization”
to be added...
#3 - “U.S. Citizen by NATURAL BORN” (to be defined by court or legislature).
You are quite correct that the only way to establish that ‘third status’ of citizenship, is for the courts to rule there is one, or the legislature to enact one.