It will backfire eventually, as they will always overplay their hand. This is a Wellstone funeral moment. The reason why this will hurt them is there are so far no Republicans in the scene, it is black vs. latino. If they overplay, and they will, the latinos will push back. These are two required Dem constituencies being pitted against each other.
The shooting happened almost a month ago, where the hell has the media been since then? Seems to me they are trying everything to incite a race war. I read to my Mom what the left has been saying and she said “Only idiots will believe this garbage, and those idiots Obama already has voting for him so this won’t hurt one bit” she’s right..who will believe this garbage, only morons..and those morons are already going to vote for Obama so we never had a shot at them anyway. People with an IQ over plant life will see this for what it is, the left using a tragic event to their advantage, gee where have I see this before..oh yeah, Gabby Giffords, they loved that and unfortunately some of the BS worked, but not this time