...or the Republican Party. Sorry to say.
You are correct on that, at least as far as the ruling establishment of the Republican Party, not the constituent voters, who are more accurately Conservative, not Republican. We had example today when one of Romney’s top camapign advisers told how he would shed all his conservative talk after the nomination “like an Etch-a-Sketch” box.
I hope that Romney is not a prisoner of these aides. If he “goes to the middle” or plays for the “moderates” at the expense of the conservatives, like McCain did and as these campaign bigwigs suggest, he will lose big.
Since Romney is way the H to the left of the middle, moving to the middle might help him because he would be moving to the right.
Please! Please! please! A very big shout out to the conservative party and to the constitution party, Don’t even ask her just put Sarah Palin on the ballot for your party. That would greatly increase turnout, decrease Romney’s vote count and make the Democrat’s vote fraud more difficult. Considering the strength of those currently running, Palin should be a shoe in.