January 6, 2003 Rick Santorum says that stimulus is needed during a recession, that government can create jobs, and that when the US is in a recession and fighting wars, we souldn’t worry about deficits.
Santorum is a social conservative statist. For example, he thinks the government should be in the business of charity, among other things. Charity, meanwhile, is a MAJOR aspect of Christian morality; good Christian charity encourages morality and discourages immorality. It's clear as day that government charity -- food stamps, welfare, etc. -- does the exact opposite: it encourages immorality, while Government's activist judges, punitive regulations, antidiscrimination laws and so forth -- Roe v. Wade, forced embrace of open homosexuality in schools, military, communities, and civic groups -- punish Americans who seek to live morally.
GOVERNMENT -- not "the people," not "the majority," but a minority that has illigetimately seized power of GOVERNMENT -- has made it so kids can't even pray in schools! GOVERNMENT is the single most addressable component of moral decline in this nation; cut government and enable parents to choose their kids' schools and hire or fire teachers as they see fit, and cut government so that people exercising free choice in free markets can discriminate against or cater to people who make immoral choices, and watch as morality returns to American culture. WATCH as immoral lifestyles, discouraged and rejected by the majority in terms of employment and housing, end up seeking and finding their own low level instead of being propped up and even encouraged in all corners of America by OUR TAX DOLLARS.
Two of Gingrich's main goals are to CUT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and seek to throw out activist judges, which will begin to restore both fiscal and moral freedom to the states and hence to the people.
Godspeed Newt Gingrich.