All from the media spin-Newt did well in FL even with a 17- to 1 negative ads against him. He probably won TN AL MS if not for the Daily Kos team asking dems to vote for Rick Santorum. Why do that!? This has all been manufactured. Newt is a heck of a strong candidate-his ideas and leadership skills alone would cream Obama. People have to wake up.
I am not saying this like the paulbots do, when they scream we were robbed, we were cheated. but I think when Newt and his own campaign do their gut checks and math, they consider those 3 states, for all intents and purposes, as his. That is how they calculate them. they don't scream about it, and have never said a word to the media, or whined anywhere, but I think very realistically, they consider those states Newt... and that his southern strategy did work, and those dems that gave santorum his wins will be nowhere to be found in the fall.
Newt is a hardnosed realist, and he's headed for tampa.