So much for a “Free Republic.” While I concur with the sentiment “leave the kids alone,” and agree that the moderator should remove and block usera posting rude and inappropriate posts, but closing down the discussion violates the very nature of this site.
Not only is it unusual in our society for our twelve year old children to “spring break,” it is highly dangerous and extremely expensive to send one of the First Family alone to such a potentially hostile environment. It quite frankly is irresponsible at best, and flagrantly elitist at worse, for the President to abuse his position for such an excursion.
That said, the true insult has been committed by the moderator, taking it upon them-self to decide what subjects are “correct” for a Free Republic to discuss.
Yeah, how dare the mods actually moderate FR. /s
FR mods have been doing this a long time, and often on stories such as this the only way to get posters to knock it off is to pull threads until they get the message (which did work in this case).
Sorry you find such so restrictive. I'm sure you can find a site where posters can trash kids to their hearts content.
u mad, bro?
Mods gone wild! :P The story went viral, ridiculous to censor and pull them on FR. That is not what FR stand for. Have you ever tried to put the cat back in the bag ????????????? Once the story was out, there was no getting rid of it.