My 91 yr old dad was in a 7th Army AAA battery during WWII from North Africa on through Germany’s surrender. He’s mentioned that as they were fighting their way across France they would often see the entire sky filled with what looked like thousands of bombers, headed to their targets in Germany. A sight like that will never be seen again.
And you’re right, the sound of those WWII engines is something special. There’s a few vintage planes flying out of an airport near me in SoCal and I love to hear them pass overhead.
A sight like that will never be seen again.
Mainly because this country would not stand for the 80,000 dead airmen today.
I seem to live under the flight path between a Marine Air station and a base out in the desert. All sorts of aircraft fly overhead and I love being able to hear them!
"That's the sound of freedom, baby!"