Most of the 8 winner-take-all states are not strictly winner-take-all unless a candidate wins a majority of the vote, and other modifications:
-New York, win the majority or it is proportional:
-Connecticut, same as New York
-Utah is winner-take-all and you don't need the majority. But Santo can forget this state even without Newt.
-Indiana, "Delegate Selection: Combined Selection [Winner-Take-All Primary for District Delegates with Caucus/Convention]"
-California is winner-take-all by Congressional district.
- Wisconsin, Winner-Take-All "by district and statewide"
There are not just 8 winner-take-all states. The vote-splitting between Rick and Newt wouldn’t be such a big issue if it were that few. 800 out of 1200 remaining delegates roughly come from winner-take-all territory. Please note the first 3, you directly elect the delegates, not the candidate, but the delegates win with a mere plurality so it’s the same as winner-take-all.
Illinois (direct delegate election by district)
Pennsylvania (direct delegate election by district)
West Virginia (direct delegate election by district)
California (WTA by district or a mix?)
New York (WTA by district or a mix?)
Texas (WTA by district or a mix?)
Connecticut (WTA by district or a mix?)
Maryland (WTA by district or a mix?)
Wisconsin (WTA by district or a mix?)
New Jersey (WTA by district or a mix?)
Puerto Rico (pure WTA statewide)
Washington D.C. (pure WTA statewide)
Delaware (pure WTA statewide)
Utah (pure WTA statewide)