It was a comment on your post (#424) where you stated that statutory rape could be consensual. I was simply pointing out that by definition statutory rape cannot be consenual because the victim cannot legally consent. Remedial logic and reasoning. Look into it.
You're wrong. We both know it. Thanks for trying, though.
You both cited the legal 'age of consent' in your arguments to me regarding statutory rape when I gave it as an example of 'legislating morality' (which you both decry) without violence (which is supposed to be the only reason we do it).
I said that statutory rape was non-violent immorality which was regulated by law, and by citing in its defense, the age of consent, you were supporting that the law does indeed legislate morality, because that's exactly what the (arbitrary?) 'age of consent' does.
In citing that argument, you conceded my point, and helped make my case that you are inconsistent.
As for consistency, I will leave with this comment on the hostile reaction to Rick Santorum's stating that his administration would 'enforce the law' regarding obscenity. To say that he was mocked for it would be a gross understatement.
To all those doing that, I rhetorically ask (I don't want responses) what you think about Obama's blatant (and impeachable) violation of DOMA. The law about marriage is clearly a legislation of morality with which Obama does not agree, so he is openly not enforcing it.
This is the same thing you are asking of Rick Santorum.....that he disregard, unconstitutionally, the law of the land.
Either you should be cheering Obama on, or you should be supporting Santorum, as you cannot have it both ways.
If the law is the law, then it should be enforced, as Rick said. If you disagree with the law, as President you should seek to have Congress change it, not flagrantly disregard it.
That is exactly what you are asking Santorum to do. Disregard a law you don't like because it regards obscenity.
And that is where libertarianism is one small step away from anarchy......which is not conservative in any regard.
Thanks for the discussion. I hope some lurkers understood my points, even if those mocking me here did not.