“internet porn is not a pressing national problem”
Why would the marxists give up on their plan to use pornography to defeat our nation?
Answer: they wouldn’t and they haven’t. Yes, pornography is a weapon used just as destructive as any artillery.
You need to think about this, learn it, and stop letting the marxists use you.
I'd really like to know your opinion. Thanks.
What are you babbling about? This whole marxists using pornography to defeat our nation line of argument is utterly ridiculous. You sound completely absurd saying dumb things like this. It is the marxists governments in particular that seek to shut down, filter, monitor and otherwise patrol the internet - not free people in free countries.
You sound like some fundamentalist from the Saudi religious police, or a fanatical Imam in a Madrassa on the Pakistani border with Afghanistan. The idea that internet porn is being used to destroy their cultures is exactly the backward, boneheaded stuff they preach. No one is using porn to defeat our nation. I don't know where you got this silly conspiracy theory from, but it's absolute nonsense.
Absolutely right! This was, in fact, the little remembered Pillar 4.5 of Communism outlined in the Communist Manifesto, nestled right between the confiscation of the property of emigrants and rebels, and the centralization of credit in a national bank.