To: PapaBear3625
"Really? Everybody who has ever read Playboy routinely goes out and rapes women in the night, after torturing them? "
Pornography and Rape.
Chapter 18 of the Attorney General Pornography Commission's study noted that the eight major men's magazines (Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, Chic, Club, Gallery, Genesis, and Oui) have a circulation rate five times higher in Alaska and Nevada than in North Dakota.[12] It is very significant that the rape rates in Alaska and Nevada are eight times higher than in North Dakota!
Conclusions. Other researchers have confirmed that 64 percent of all homosexual child molesters and 86 percent of all rapists used pornography at or immediately before the time of their crimes.
FBI Findings.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation found that eighty percent (29 of 36) of recent mass murderers used pornography extensively and used it as an integral part of their murderous sexual activity, which often included serial rape-murders.[4] Some of these killers photographed their dead victims and pasted cutouts of their faces on hard- and soft-core pornographic pictures as preparation for their next 'kill.' The FBI and police nationwide have reported finding extensive pornography collections in the homes of virtually every mass-murderer and child molester that they arrest.
More than 65 studies have shown that dangerous offenders (child molesters, killers, rapists, incest fathers) are not only more likely to commit their crimes if they employ pornography, they are likely to precede their violent acts with the extended use of deviant materials.[4] Male sex offenders soon begin to display addictive and compulsive behavior when using porn. Their mechanisms for relieving stress soon all become related to deviant sex. They offend more and more often.
About two million pedophiles, rapists, child molesters, sadists, and those who solicit teenaged or child prostitutes commit more than two million crimes annually. This number accounts only for those incidents that are reported the total number is obviously much higher.
Examples. Those naive individuals who cling to the quaint and outmoded belief that pornography is 'victimless' should wake up and look at the facts. Thousands of persons have been tortured, raped, and murdered by warped human beings as a direct result of pornography. There are thousands of such cases cramming police files all over the nation.
117 posted on
03/17/2012 8:02:08 AM PDT by
(Luke 12:51. Think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation.)
To: jacknhoo; PapaBear3625
So a Catholic website with an agenda misuses statistics and creates cause out of correlation, thus we must do something? Im sure 80% of mass murderers smoked too, does that mean we should ban smoking?
This is one of the worst misuses of statistics I have read.
132 posted on
03/17/2012 8:31:37 AM PDT by
Raider Sam
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