The GOP-e wants Romney because he is weak and will be easily manipulated to maintain the status quo.
Both the Dems and the GOP-e are afraid of Gingrich for the same reason. He is unpredictable and won't be easily controlled. He is a man of integrity and principle and will do what he thinks is right for the people and the country. Sarah Palin is the same kind of person and was destroyed for the same reason. It's worth noting that the Romney machine was involved in this.
It's time for the American people to rise up and take the country back from the stranglehold that big party political machines have on us.
Voting Obama, Romney or Santorum will not change anything. I will vote for Gingrich or Palin or John Galt, regardless of what the big parties want me to do.
The ugliest attacks on her, when they came from Republicans, came from Republicans who turn out to be Romniacs. The mocking and contempt directed at the tea party, when it came from Republicans, came from Republicans who turn out to be Romniacs.
They do want our vote; its us they can't stand.