“I know there’s video of Obama saying he wants gasoline prices to rise but more slowly, I know there’s video of him saying energy prices under his administration will necessarily skyrocket and his energy secretary saying he wants gasoline in the $8 to $10 range. I know there’s video of him rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline. My question is: Why the hell don’t the Republicans have a commercial playing every half hour on TV with these videos? No money they spend would have greater bang for the buck.”.....
Good question. I have no doubt that this is being considered. I know if Newt Gingrich was the candidagte, it would definitely be a part of his campaign. Ditto for Santorem. What we have to insist is that the GOP candidate, whether Newt, Rick, or Mitt, - must absolutely use all the idiotic comments by Obama against him. No more the stupid antics of McCain who refused to actually attack Obama with his own words out of some sort of suicidal honor against a black opponent.