Bingo. The Gingrich folks in Illinois REALLY need to think long and hard about how they are going to vote on the 20th. Were Romney to lose that he’d truely be shaken. The sad part is that there is no Reagan type candidate waiting in the wings. A brokered convention could end up with a Daniels/Bush ticket or something. Duncan Hunter really should have run this time. I think he would have caught fire long before Gingrich or Santorum.
And then burned out like everyone has at some point. I can’t think of a candidate besides Johnson who hasn’t caught fire at some point. Heck, even Ron Paul was the Iowa frontrunner at one point. This race has been truly been a tragic farce. I’m behind Santorum 100% at this point, but who’da thunk a fmr. Sen. who lost reelection by almost 20 points would be in serious contention for the Presidential nomination of a major party.
Actually, as far as who emerges from a truly brokered convention goes, I’d bet Huckabee. He is basically a more palatable, presidential version of Santorum. I think it will be contested, not brokered, however.