You couldn’t be more wrong. This is how I was trained and used the method first hand. It worked/works like a charm. Pain compliance moves are a legit, legal and effective part of the force continuum. The pressure point I described takes very little force to gain compliance. Can’t imagine severing an artery, that’s just idiotic.
We both agree that pain compliance are legit, letal and effect part of the force continuum. Further, based on your recommendation to use pain compliance, you agree that pain compliance was required in this situation. So what is really the disagreement is the use of which technique. Read the article that I supplied. Corotid artery blunt trama has a 23% Mortality rate - that is high enough to take it into the leathal force category. Compare that to the taser The documented mortality rate for taser in this study is <2%.
So lets go back to the force continuum. Use the least amount of force to acheive compliance that causes the least injury or risk of death. That is why there are limits on things like choke holds and sleeper holds. And no, we are not talking about severing the artery. All that was necssary was trama such as the applying of too much blunt force. Taser mortality rates are extreamly low. The mortality rate for corotid artery trama is extreamly high.