Thanks jimbo123. The preview looked impressive, and the existing series of books would make a splendid franchise; as the late P.J. Farmer said, a writer capable of producing the most widely recognized fictional character — Tarzan — should not be lightly dismissed.
Unfortunately, most of the elements from the Edgar Rice Burroughs series were already incorporated in earlier movies. Experts say that the movie is true to the books, except Martian women did not really wear anything in the books. I loved the soundtrack, but the score sounded like a cross between Indiana Jones and Star Wars. I have to say though that I thought that the overall movie experience was good. I thought the CGI sets and costumes, including Dejah Thoris stunning wedding dress, gave the feel of the old serial movies of the 30s and 40s. I was pleasantly surprised that they allowed John Carter to be an Ex Confederate Captain without making any political statement in the movie at all. In fact, the reddish bronze skin hue of the Martians was the same description that Phillip K Dick had of the Martians in the short story The Crystal Crypt. I would like to see more movies based on the earlier works of Phillip K Dick and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Lynn Collins was a dead ringer for a young Catherine Zeta Jones
Announcing “from the creator of Tarzan” with the promos certainly might have helped...