Are you Catholic? Because it is sinful and further damaging to a soul to accept Our Lord in Holy Communion when someone is not in a state of grace. If she was openly lesbian then she was not in a state of grace.
While I wouldn't use the "state of grace" phraseology, I understand what you are talking about and will say, that's not just a Catholic belief but one in every church I've ever been in.
I am an Episcopalian. (I know...) When I was visiting a friend’s Catholic Church recently, I sought out the Priest beforehand, because I did not know what the rules were for receiving Communion. The Priest politely informed me that I must not receive Communion at his church and I did not.
What’s so hard about that!
From previous threads on this topic, I understand she introduced her gay lover, as her lover, to the priest prior to the funeral. He was on moral grounds to refuse her communion just on the basis of those facts.
Are you Catholic? If so I have a question.
I attended a Catholic funeral yesterday and I had a question about something I did not understand. The family sat in reserved seating on one side and friends on the other. There were about 5 people in front of us on the friends side that were the only people that knew what was going on. They appeared to be workers at the church. They did not seem to know the family. When it was time for communion they went up on the platform and took communion (bread and wine). After they took communion, the priest came down in the aisle to the family and gave them only bread. I was just curious as to why the family went last and received only the bread. Do you know why?
The whole service was very interesting and very different than funeral services I have been to before. My husband and my father are both pastors and have officiated many funerals.
Thank you in advance.