Socialized medicine is the tipping point. Most government programs involve segments of the population whereas it affects everyone. Two of the most dangerous threats to freedom are public schools and socialized medicine (along with the progressive income tax).
Amen. Great summary. Just hoping enough people wake up.
Most of the conservatives and independents know
what is coming. The uniformed may hand us Romney/then Obama. You know, I believe it is going to take a strong warrior to withstand Obama's regime. I am praying it's Newt and if so, God gives him a guidance of steel and protection.
I kept a column from the November 5, 2008 Reno Gazette which sumarizes Obama’s main points from his long campaign.
I will wtire here just exactly what was printed in this column about Healthcare:
Mandatory coverage for children, NO mandates for adults. Aim for universal coverage by requiring larger employers to share costs of insuring workers and by offering coverage similar to that in plan for Federal employees. Proposes spending $50 BILLION on information technology over 5 years to reduce health care costs over time. Tax Policy Center estimates overall plan’s cost at $1.6 TRILLION over 10 years.
Just how close does any of his campaign rhetoric come to what has happened over the past 3 1/2 years. ?????