Duh! Neither BC lists an address for the hospital.
Ooops. My apologies. I promise to always wear my glasses. LOL Perhaps I am just paranoid because I know the bc is fake. Sheriff Arpaio’s press conference really nailed it with highly-detailed analysis. That’s the problem, though.. the American public doesn’t want to deal with the finite details. What is your opinion of 0bama’s bc?
P.S. Look at the rubber stamp at the bottom of the bc.. “THE” is spelled “TXE” and incredibly, the “A” in ‘Alvin’ has a smiley face in it. If you look at a better copy of 0bama’s bc you can more clearly see it.
Here’s a higher resolution image of the bc: http://i.cdn.turner.com/dr/teg/tsg/release/sites/default/files/assets/obamabirthcetgrab.jpg