Masterful job by Pollack. Kept his cool, stayed on target and hit the mark. He should run for something!
Pollack kept his cool. Soledad was running around like a scalded chicken. she was rude in the extreme. she would talk over Pollack while he was making very valid points. The media can’t handle the pure unvarnished truth when it’s presented in a calm, factual manner such as the way Mr. Pollack delivered it. More power to him and the people at Breitbart. they are doing a huge service to this country. The problem is making the dumb sheeple listen.
He "Newt-erd" her.
He did exactly what Newt does.
* Challenge the supposition of the False question.
* re-frame the question as to what you are trying to convey
* In this instance to also point out their biases, and fallacies as they continued to perpetrate them.
* And then get back to the main thought-point / Thesis.
Imagine if we had 50 of these in the Senate instead of Gramasty, McLame, Snow, Collins and Lugar?
Imagine if we just had this in Boenher and McConnell?
Out Freakin' Standing Mr. Pollard, Well done, you are honoring Andrew well, so well...