No, Santorum was humiliated in an 18 point ejection from his Senate seat in 2006, partly due to his still promoting his hero, Specter in 2004, as he had for President in 1996.
Santorum has a history of being dedicated to pro-abortion liberal candidates, like Whitman.
Sorry I put in the wrong date - should be 2004 that he did the ad for Specter. Believe me I am well aware of what he did. I am from PA and watched what he did, not what he said. I was a volunteer for Toomey when he pulled the rug out from under him, as did Bush. Not only did he lose his election in 2006, there was no doubt that tens of thousands opted not to vote for any senate candidate. If you check the PA records you will see that there were more that went to the polls than voted for senator. His own base ignored him. Wait until the PA primary, he will get crushed. Too bad that Romney is the one that will get in. We are screwed.