I very much disagree. Rush did what was right. He apologized for a mistake...unlike the opposition. He demonstrated virtue...unlike the opposition.
Good man!
I do not disagree with the apology per se.....
but, Rush did not apologize until sponsors started cancelling their advertisement, therefore, he caved to the intimidation tactics used by the left to silence honest and bold criticism of those tactics.
Had the apology been that he should never have attacked her personally, then I could live with that. Had it come immediately, then I could live with that.
Right apology, wrong reasons.
Tell me what the mistake he made was. THe woman IS is a slut. Calling her what she is, is not a mistake. It’s accurate.
By any definition she is a slut. Now if that means women you know or women in your family could fall under that definition, ie a woman of loose virtues, sexually promiscuous, etc, then so be it. That is the definition of “slut” and it may be too bad that’s what they are, but if they act that way, they’re sluts. If that means labeling most modern women today sluts - hell, let’s just call them empowered sluts or liberated sluts because they’ve been brainwashed to think acting this way is awesome, then so be it. Let the label be slapped on.
Now if you’re upset we’re not labelling the guys who want them to act that way what they are, well, that’s a separate issue but I’d be fine discussing the terms I’d assign them to for their behavior.