1) Never apologize
2) Never retreat... always advance
3) Never show mercy to evil
steny hoyer and nancy pelosi are now demanding that fluck sue Rush... and she will... and that leftist female lawyer that brought out all of the bimbos against Cain will likely represent her. By apologizing... Rush may have pleased some like yourself... but he did nothing to appease the left or this fluck woman and the left will go at him and us with even more vicious attacks. He said nothing that needed an apology and he should be taken to task for not vetting his own advertisers. carbonite is run by a soros loving moveondotorg philanthropist. Maybe Rush apologized due the the loss of ad revenue... if so... what does that make Rush?
During the Clinton years we were subjected to the objectionable concept that women were to be treated like sluts. The media and the White House orchestrated it that way. They demonized Jennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky as sluts. At the time, Rush went after them for doing this because he thought that their treatment of these women was reprehensible. We had a predator in the White House who had diminished the discourse down to the gutter level.
By calling Fluke a slut, Rush has reduced himself to their level. He pulled the conversation away from the fact that Obamacare has trampled on religious liberty and instead directed a personal attack at another. He played by the Left’s rules. And he lost on the moral argument because he pulled the attention away from the issue at hand and made it about his use of language.
Most right-thinking people would tell two children NOT to call each other names because it isn’t the kind thing to do. When the discussion is reduced to name calling no one pays attention to facts anymore, they only listen to the emotions between the two parties. Rush made this personal when he attacked her using the word “slut”. He dropped the main theme of the argument and lost, big time.
The fact that you still think this is about capitulation doesn’t matter. What matters is the perception. The perception is Rush is a bastard and the reaction was swift and painful, so the media won this round.
Thus, he apologized.
The media revels whenever Conservatives act like the heartless bastards that the media accuses Conservatives of being. He walked into a trap and lost. He only has himself to blame. And he apologized, fixing the error.
I believe he is contrite.
Let’s return to the true issue of the attack against religious liberty.