Steve Bridges, Larry Bland, Donald Young, Nick Colvin, Nate Spencer, Lt. Quarrels Harris...possibly Andrew Breitbart—(until an unbiased/ bought-off coroner’s report)—the list is ever increasing.
Seems Bath-House Barry, aka:Bari M. Shabazz, Soetoro, Little Stevie Dunham, HARRISON J BOUNELL, really DOES do things other than golf!!!! This is becoming a new hobby for him!!!
Let’s not riot, yet. It would make him happy.
“Lt. Quarrels Harris”
First of all, it’s not “Lt.” as in the military rank, his birth name was “Lieutenant”. He was a street criminal, and there’s no evidence he was connected to Obama at all, he just got associated with the Brennan passport affair by a misleading Washington Times article.
He’s a piker compared to Clinton.