Most people on Free Republic understand the problems with Mitt Romney. That's not necessarily the case with the general Republican electorate. Polls show that significant percentages of Santorum supporters have Romney as their second choice, and the same is true for Gingrich supporters.
I'm very much afraid that pushing for a two-man race between Santorum-Romney or Gingrich-Romney will have unintended consequences. What happens if evangelicals who can't put up with Gingrich's past decide to vote for the “family values” Mormon if Santorum drops out? What happens if Gingrich supporters who don't like Santorum’s union ties or Catholic economic views decide to vote for the “pro-business Bain executive” Romney if Gingrich drops out?
As others here have said, Mitt Romney is in the wrong party. I've read the comments by Planned Parenthood people who interviewed Romney as he was running for governor and saying he could be a pro-choice advocate in the Republican Party. That doesn't belong in the GOP, but having a pro-business voice in the Democratic Party could actually be helpful.
What we really need is for Romney to drop out and have a legitimate race between Gingrich, Santorum, and (unfortunately) Paul. I was hopeful that a defeat for Romney in Michigan would deliver a body blow culminating in a Super Tuesday knockout punch, but it looks like Romney is going to be in this for quite a while longer.
Rick does not need ALL the Newt votes, but just the lion’s share compared to Willard the Massachusetts Liberal, TARPer, and co-architect with the late Ted Kennedy of ObamneyCare.
Gingrich is fine with Evangelicals , South Carolina and Florida showed that, besides, Evangelicals will move to the most conservative.
In a head to head battle between Romney and Gingrich, Evangelicals would see Gingrich as their man.
Romney is not dropping out, you evidently don’t recognize that Romney is here to fight conservatism, get revenge against the right, and advance his cult. Romney is in all the way.