You are right, Rick’s statement was worse. But Newt said too much as well. And keep in mind one thing: Rush may be setting the table for a double reverse on Monday - in which case - it would have been better not to be on record on this issue at all.
Do you have the complete transcript?
Good Morning CEW-
I'm not following your condemnation of Newt on this. I read the article at the link and the only things in quotes attributed to Newt is one word and one phrase: “silly” and “trying desperately to protect (Obama)” ...that's it! Everything else is the author's opinion/paraphrasing of what Newt “said.”
It is not clear; however, perhaps you actually heard Newt on the program (I didn’t). That said, from what is offered at the link, there isn't much substance for any condemnation of Newt that I can discern. How do you get from the those two quotes to “Newt screwed the pooch”??? (It goes without saying that I NEVER trust anything attributed to any Conservative by the media unless I see that it is in quotes and I can verify that the quote is correct.)
I know we're both Newt supporters and I know you are sincere and thoughtful; however, in this case I am not following your criticism and am asking you to elaborate if you would.Thx!