C. Edmund Wright has been a strung supporter of Newt. He thinks very strategically. I believe he’s saying that Newt should have stopped with “.....while Obama is apologizing....”. By continuing Newt set up a dynamic wherein the press will now go to Rush with Newt’s statement ....then come back to Newt with what Rush says.... and so on. Not exactly what you want to be talking about heading into Super Tuesday. In effect by continuing to speak Newt has entered the fray, and fallen into one of the media traps that Santorum has shown a propensity to fall in. I could be wrong.
No Trapped, you are not wrong - you nailed by sentiments on this exactly. Newt made some typically brilliant Newt points on this, and yes, had he stopped before the “glad Rush apologized” line, it would have been another Newt home rum.
In our headline driven world, he unfortunately gave the world the impression he was throwing Rush under the bus. Obviously that’s not the case, but look at all the Freepers who think he did.
Thus, my point is validated. Sadly.
OMG. Just not what Gingrich did on MTP. He immediately moved the dialogue to Obamas apology to afghanistan. Then Gregory wanted to talk about he national dialogue on birth control, at which point, Newt then started talking about Obamas voting record on infanticide. If anyone wants to take a statement to Rush, it should be Santorum’s, calling Rush absurd and an entertainer.