Dana Perino is the moderate on The Five. Beckel is the idiot.
The other three are the best...if you listen.
Perino is a voice for The Establishment and doesn't even bother to hide it!
I can’t watch anything with Beckel. He is a walking head up the a**. Beckel is what happens if James Carville eats Rosie Donnell and mates with Nancy Pelosi.
Exactly—Perino is a Bush mouthpiece.
Beckel is awful.
I don’t need a comedian & and a guy who used to be on the business channel pretending to be expert on foreign affairs.
Dana has the best qualifications to be on the show.
Perino’s pro-Romney bias is obvious to everyone, yet she denies it. Eric Bolling once made a comment along the lines of Drudge is indisputably in the tank for Romney, and Perino said that she would dispute it.