David Gre-gory brought it up the 1st thing w Newt. Newt threw it right back to him - why are we talking about this when there are other issues to discuss, and it is not a womens’ health issue, it is a religious freedom issue; and, Obama has done more than any president against religious freedom. Brought up the Catholic institutions and also a Protestant one. Apologies, it was about an hour ago here and I’ve been reading different things and doing some stuff at home - should have taken notes or posted sooner. When pressed by David, Newt said it was right for Rush to apologize. I think Newt did a good job on Meet the Depressed; but, perhaps I’m partial (I was only 1 of 2 at our table that caucused for Newt yesterday).
Thanks for the report, Seattle Conservative. Newt did pretty well on ABC(I think that’s what I was watching), as well. Used pretty much the same approach you just described on MTP.