It figures...
I recently suffered a catastrophic data loss on my music computer through my own stupidity. Over the last month I’d been looking into using Carbonite in addition to the now 2 additional HDs I clone to.
Trust me, reauthorizing music software is a whole different mess than normal. All the companies have different copy protection/dongle etc schemes, ..just a mess.
Well, guess I look for other offsite/secure options because this is BS. Those companies were not blind to Rush and what he does/says. They reaped the ad rewards and bailed at the first hint of trouble. I hope his ‘confiscatory ad rates’ morph to ‘punitive’ when they come crawling back. And they will.
Bottom line: Rush made an un-PC but totally and dictionary accurate assertion. Anyone claiming that a woman requiring 3K in birth control for “f-buddy’ sex isn’t a slut, works for the Ministry of Truth.
Screw Carbon Blight
There are all sorts of back up systems to use. Mozy is one. Norton and Mcaffee also market theirs.
Personally, I don’t back up that way any more. The best way is to by a memory stick or two and copy all your files to the sticks. You control those forever. If you are really paranoid burn a cd with your important files too.
Seriously. No person should be paying for another person to engage in sex. No one has the right to free sex. Next she will tell is we have to pay for her lingerie and toys too.