Lawsuits involve the discovery process.How many guys(or gals)can Rush’s lawyers find that will say they had sex with Fluke?Something tells me that they’re gonna need to find a very large courthouse.
Discovery will find out that this woman has never had sex with a man.
Now for the “rusty irony”... Rush MADE this story. Had he not mentioned Ms. “Flaky” Fluke, her “testimony” would have pretty much been ignored. He could claim he “made” her!(pun intended!). This is hit-and-run story, it’s NOT in the interest in the DemWits or Ms. Flaky Fluke that this get deeply vetted, or the phoniness will be exposed(pun intended again!). Such is my HO.
Rumor has it Ms. Fluke is a lesbo athlete who uses the pill to regulate her menstrual cycle. Who knows. She voluntarily appeared before this committee knowing it would be televised. She’s an avid, vocal and very public advocate of her causes. This makes her a public figure who’s open to being mocked and hyperbolized. She might win in a lawsuit, but most slander and libel suits are overturned.