Romney has a power-lust for the highest office. Romney has no concern over the cancer of Socialism that is being pushed at all levels of government.
Being a businessman is 100% irrelevant to the problem at hand. Most billionaire businessmen see government as a solution.
Romney sees government as the solution to "big" problems, as a positive force for good.
Unlike Romney, our Founders viewed government as a necessary EVIL.
Romney would do absolutely nothing to reduce the size or scope of government
We need someone in office who will view government as EVIL. We need someone in office who will vigorous lead the effort to roll back government and eliminate entire departments.
For our Republic to survive, large numbers of State, local and Federal Parasites must lose their taxpayer paid jobs.
It is astounding to me that people think that Mitt would be better than Obama. With either the endpoint is exactly the same -- a socialist hell. The only thing Mitt would do is delay the inevitable.
If we can't nominate true leaders who will slay big government, then maybe it's best to hope the system collapses soon. At least then we can start to rebuild a Constitutional Republic.
I agree with a lot of your points about government but the sad reality is that in this era of entitlements, a totally corrupt media, government largesse, and a dumbed down populace, the chances of electing true leaders who will slay big government is nil, at least until the big economic crash occurs. That event will re-orient everyone’s priorities overnight and get us on a path to sane government. In the meantime, the best we can do for now is to halt the decline and the erosion of our liberties.