Seems like the article believes Obama is grossly incompetent. I believe his actions are deliberate.
I believe he is both evil and incompetent. However, as a practical matter, his incompetence mitigates his evil. Consider what a fix we might be in if he were truly competent, like, say Hitler or Lenin.
“Seems like the article believes Obama is grossly incompetent. I believe his actions are deliberate.”
You are correct!! Too many of us judge Obummer by an inappropriate, irrelevant performance standard. He is a Socialist Autocrat Ideologue, determined to transform the U.S.A. at the most fundamental basis of our nation’s proclamation of identity, the Declaration of Independence, and progressing through our Constitution, which defines the manner in and by which we are to be governed,not ruled but governed. These are barriers to the realization of his dream of a unitary socialist polity, our states reduced to member provinces ruled by edicts from a dictator, with the administrative/management functions lodged in personally appointed czars accountable solely to the appointing authority. Obummer’s degree of success in achieving that goal is the proper measure of his performance in office.
I agree 100% Me thinks that it is all part of the plan. He is a calculated risk. This man is dangerous. Period. Wonder what he has up his sleeve. I pray the mayans were not right about the 2012 thing cause then we are stuck with Dictator Obama if any of us survive. LOL