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To: leapfrog0202

Some hospitals do require the immunizations. Our current pediatrician is opposed to them, so her patients are given a pass. Sometimes the hospital tries to buck the physician. Our pediatrician was told by another parent that she (the other parent) obtained a copy of the hospital bill and that the hospital billed insurance for the hospital administering the immunizations even though they had not given them. Our pediatrician was spittin’ about that one and urged us to check our bill though it had been a year since our youngest was born.

26 posted on 02/24/2012 8:34:10 PM PST by petitfour
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To: petitfour
Some hospitals do require the immunizations. Our current pediatrician is opposed to them, so her patients are given a pass. Sometimes the hospital tries to buck the physician. Our pediatrician was told by another parent that she (the other parent) obtained a copy of the hospital bill and that the hospital billed insurance for the hospital administering the immunizations even though they had not given them. Our pediatrician was spittin’ about that one and urged us to check our bill though it had been a year since our youngest was born.

Sounds like you might want to consider getting another pediatrician. At least one with a little common sense. Or at least an MD. Does this one have a bone through his nose and do readings with sheep's entrails?

56 posted on 02/24/2012 9:13:03 PM PST by Ramius (Personally, I give us one chance in three. More tea anyone?)
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