To: dupree
Im sure the nurses are following the hospitals policy, which is in place for their protection against lawsuits.
I don't actually care what excuse these people have for acting as petty tyrants. Hospital policy? That doesn't even have the force of law, and nurses aren't law enforcement even if it did. However, the idea that we should accept something because it's "policy" is worse than the idea that we should accept something because it's "settled law". If it is anathema to a free country, it needs to go away. Period. Think Obamacare.
I'll agree that there may be more to this story, but the guy was still the baby's father, and absent any hard evidence to suggest that this guy was incompetent to hold his own child, the natural reaction of conservatives should be "Who the hell do these people think they are?"
To: fr_freak
It will be interesting to see how this case is resolved. Keep in mind: no one twisted Kennedy’s arm and forced his wife to give birth in that hospital. The hospital, like any other private business, has the right to operate as it chooses. When you choose to go to a hospital you are required to sign many documents upon entry, which I assume are LEGAL. It’s possible that Kennedy agreed beforehand to all of the actions the nurses took and doesn’t realize it because he never read the fine print. If the Kennedys didn’t want to follow their policies they should have had a home birth or chosen a different hospital.
149 posted on
02/26/2012 12:31:48 AM PST by
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