Hint: The LIE in the woodpile is when Bammy tells us we can grow enough algae to fuel America. We have not got that much phosphate and still have enough to grow food.
Another LIE from the Long Legged Mack Daddy of Lies.
Just recycle a few million tons of bird feces, and extract
a lot of phosphate. Scrape them off of cars or statues in urban areas
and provide jobs for unemployed Occupy This slackers, and you kill
two turds with one stone. [\sarc]
What he said.
I'm not sure about the phosphate part but this has been tried on a grand scale with corn that is available now in large quantities and without all the infrastructure required to grow & harvest algae. How is that working? Algae will be a much poorer source of energy and way more expensive.
Nanotechnology is being used to extract oil from algae without actually killing the algae. Several universities are working on this right now.
You can’t make this stuff up...
Is that little robots with milking stools?