Blacks, as a group, just aren’t into swimming...and to be a SEAL..ya gotta LOVE the ocean
Blacks as a group sink like rocks. I have this from two lifeguards who were constantly pulling blacks fromm the bottom of the pool.
That's true. Last summer, my local Y launched a program to try and get more black kids swimming. WHY?? Clearly if they wanted to learn to swim---OR be Navy Seals---they would do it! Why the need to try and force the issue?
There have only been three African Americans to ever qualify for the US Olympic swim team.
If the swimming qualification hinders "diversity", look for the SEALs to be pressured to drop the swimming qualification.
That's an excuse, Whitey! Next you're gonna tell me they don't like snow skiing, hockey, golfing or racing too. Stop the stereo typing.
We need to start forcing minorities to ski, play hockey, golf and drive cars fast! That will make us all feel better about fairness. They'll thank us for it later! We know what's best for them!
(This is all sarcasm, attempted humor to poke fun at the absurdity. I am not racists, nor have I ever been racists. I have minority friends, etc., yadda, yadda...)
I hadn't really given such much thought as a kid, until in Marine Corps Boot Camp we all had to jump in the pool in full gear.
This was the 60's, and the atmosphere wasn't so politically correct, so the pool instructor got away with what he said as we prepared to go in:
"Watch the n*ggers! They're all going to the bottom! They're 'Sinkers'"............damned if he wasn't 100 percent correct.
Ha!! Remember Smokin’ Joe Fraizer in the pool? Can’t remember what the name of the TV show was, (around ‘73 or so), but it pitted athletes from different sports going up against each other in various sports. Joe and the pool did not make a good fight.
“”Blacks, as a group, just arent into swimming...and to be a SEAL..ya gotta LOVE the ocean””
Well one would think that we would see a lot more hispanic’s in the SEAL’s. They are great swimmers.