You don’t wait for the other shoe to drop on Obama. You do what Tobie Keith sang in “Red, White and Blue”, you put a congressional committee “boot in their ass”, hold them in contempt, and see if they can be arrested by either members of the Capitol Police or U.S. Marshals (there is congressional immunity but I’m not sure about White House flunky immunity).
TIme to start filling the jails and keep it going even after Nov. 6th. The jails ain’t half filled and I want to see perp walks of these arrogant, anti-constitution, elitist communists, crooks, crazies and cronies. (4C or C4).
Come on Upton. Your niece wasn’t afraid to hold back, so why should you.
Can’t this be brought before the Supreme Court? Although I’m not to sure what they would do with or about it.